Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Don't Put Hot Things In the Fridge

With that bit of sage wisdom passed, I shall remark on the length of time passed between posts. Mostly I got pissed at the blog because it was taking my archival stuff and putting it way at the bottom of the page, which was not cool. So I re-formatted the style and lost all the archive links and such. Which is fine, because at least they're not at the bottom of the page anymore.

New in the world: Spent some time this week putting together wedding invitations, watching newly purchased MST3K DVDs, listening to the Mary Lorson and Saint Low record (Lorson was the lead singer for the phenomenally underrated 90s band Madder Rose who hailed from the Ithaca area and were totally sweet). Heading up to Rochester/Buffalo this weekend for Easter with the fams (Lisa's included) and meeting the pastor who will preside over our wedding in June. And also to take a few days and get the hell out of a major city. And skip work on Monday. And the weekend after that, going up to Ithaca to see Andrew race at Cornell and hang with him and peeps in Cortland for a day or so. Needless to say, Enterprise gets a good chunk of money from me this month.

Post more soon, but tired and need sleep. But at least the archive stuff stays at the freakin' top now. Of which I have to completely re-enter.

And were you aware that this blog's spell-checker wants to replace the word "freakin" with "foreskin". That is not a substitute that I am comfortable with.